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The gap between my country's forging industry and the world's advanced countries
Time:2020-07-31  Click Volume:

1. The gap in forging categories

As the most advanced country in the world’s forging industry, Japan’s die forgings accounted for 82.6% of the total, free forgings accounted for 5.5%, ring parts accounted for 11.9%, China’s die forgings accounted for 65%, and free forgings accounted for 35%; Among the forgings, cold forgings accounted for 5.8%, and China accounted for about 1% (excluding standard parts); Japanese aluminum forgings accounted for 1.9%, and China accounted for 0.1%.

2. Labor productivity

Japan’s total labor productivity is 175 tons/person-year, and India’s is 16.5 tons/person-year. The labor productivity of the most representative automobile forging company in my country is 50 tons/person per year, and the statistics in Wenzhou, Zhejiang is about 18.7 tons/year per person.

3. Energy consumption and environmental protection

my country's total energy is the third in the world, and energy consumption is the second in the world, accounting for 10% of the world's total consumption. The energy utilization rate is only 32%, Japan’s 57%, and the Co2 emissions per million US dollars of GDP is 3077.7 tons, 11.8 times that of Japan and 1.4 times that of India.

4. Mold life

The life of hot forging dies in our country is generally 4000~6000 pieces, which is mainly affected by factors such as process design, forging equipment, heating, lubrication, etc. The life of foreign molds is 10000~15000 pieces, and die life is the main factor affecting the cost of forgings. Life is the common mission of forging enterprises.

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